We need your support to pass a plastic bag ordinance on Tybee Island - take the actions listed below to help us protect Georgia's coast.
Executive Committee member and Bring Your Own Bag founder Ashley Workman introduced a plastic bag ordinance to the Tybee Island's City Council in late 2014. Since then, the on-island business and stakeholder community has been engaging in a dialogue about the implementation of the ordinance, and the City Attorney has been evaluating the sufficiency of the text of the ordinance itself.
Now, we need your strong and vocal support to make this ordinance a reality. It is time for these public servants to protect Tybee Island's most important resource, the ocean and its inhabitants, by passing this ordinance.
You can take the following actions to make sure your voice is heard for the health of the ocean:
A plastic bag ban on Tybee Island will be the first of its kind in Georgia. We need your support to help make it happen.