Below is the current travel plan. If you want to update any travel plans, post a comment, or call/text 404.455.3822.
HEATHER (driving with STEVE, IVAN,and GUEST) Departing Friday night after work time TBD, returning Sunday TBD. Bringing Steve's extra 11'10" for Ivan. Meet at Steve's place 80 12th St.
FULLER (driving with 2 guests) Departing Friday a.m. Bringing Steve's 14' for Steve.
PATRICK (driving with guest) Departing Friday a.m.
CAMPSITE AT JEKYLL: Fuller and guests (Both Nights); Patrick and guest (Both Nights); Campsite #I03. Jekyll Island Campground 1197 Riverview Drive, Jekyll Island, GA (Map)
VILLA AT JEKYLL: Heather, Steve, Ivan, and Guest, Villas by the Sea, 1175 N Beachview Dr. (912) 635-2521. Under Whitecap SUP
CHUCK'S CONDO AT ST. SIMONS: Carol (Both Nights)When
May 18, 2013 at Noon.
Jekyll Island, GA (Map of Course) (See below for details.)
THIS IS NOT A RACE. "Get Stoked, mon! It's a 16 miler that anybody can do! A 6-hour approximate paddle with scheduled rests, lunch, and a cool event tee-shirt! Partial trip paddlers are welcome. You can start and call it at most any point. This is an excellent, accessible first -time distance event.
How Much?
The cost is $35 which includes lunch $25 (includes shirt but no lunch) the on-call safety/support boat, and more refreshments after in the boatyard. See below for details.
The Gallery is HERE. You can see the preview paddle we did in 2012 and early 2013.
Hands Across The Sand
At Noon during the trip, we will participate in Hand Across The Sand sponsored by Surfrider Foundation and others. Yes for clean energy and No against offshore drilling and seismic testing.
Initiative to Protect Jekyll Island
Read about the Initiative to Protect Jekyll Island, the current 65/35 Marsh Law, and whether marsh can be defined as “land” (More Info from GreenLaw).
Event Host
PLEASE NOTE: This is a Whitecap SUP event NOT a Surfrider Foundation event. Participants are responsible for their own personal safety.
From Whitecap SUP
We have a dozen confirmed as of 5/1/13 but the list is sure to grow. Fee for this event is $35$25. Fee will cover the t-shirt with the Series--Jekyll Island logo you see above (it will say Jekyll Island, not Sea Island as shown), lunch for all on the beach at the Jekyll Island Convention Center, the on-call safety/support boat, and more refreshments after in the boatyard.
Our lunch break is 11:45am to 1:30. At Noon, we will participate with people around the world in the Hands Across the Sand awareness campaign, followed by a Turtle Release and Nest Fest. The Jekyll location of Hands Across the Sand is sponsored by the Surfrider Foundation Atlanta Chapter. This unique event promotes clean energy solutions and expresses a big NO to the shocking practice of seismic testing which deafens and kills 1000's of dolphins and whales.The federal government's own study predicts up to 138,000 injuries to marine mammals from seismic testing in the Atlantic. See article in Miami Herald
Our Roun 'da Island Jekyll route and tides: Here's a map of the whole thing. It's a 17 -3/4 mile trip. About 6 hours of actual paddling time. Short breaks and a long lunch break are in the plan. Low tide is at 8:40am and high tide at 3:00pm. We'll start on the backside and play a route based on the wind forecast that day. We'll end where we start and plenty of safe parking will be no problem.
Our schedule The schedule has not been exactly set, yet. The rough plan is we are launching around 9:00am Saturday, May 18 at low tide from either the Jekyll Fishing Center or from St. Andrews park. Please see the map to find these locations and see how user-friendly this is! Our big break at lunch will be at 11:45 at the Convention Center to participate in the Hands Across the Sand sponsored by Surfriders Foundation and the Eco-Party Turtle Release. We will allow 1 -1/2 hours for this. We expect to end the paddle trip at 6:00pm or so. Be flexible about this. It could be 5:30. Might be 7:30. Tell your people. (But we'll have plenty of cell phones with us if communication is needed.)
Partial trip paddlers are welcome! (See the note on board types and experience next paragraph.) Partial Trip paddlers also also get lunch, t-shirt, and the peace-of-mind of a on-call safety boat, we need to collect the $25 fee from them as well. Note the partial legs on the map.
Boards and Experience considerations: Board types: Displacement hull SUP's (touring and race boards) are NOT required, but definitely preferred. If what you have is a planing hull (surf board shape), if it's big and floaty, you should be fine.
Experience Level: This trip is not intended to be technically difficult in any capacity, but it's not for first-timers who have never been on a board at all or who have maybe been only once. If you have been on a SUP a few times and feel reasonably confident, you can likely do this and really enjoy it. But there are bail out points so you can be flexible and adjust as needed.
Weather and Conditions considerations: THIS IS A FAIR-WEATHER EVENT ONLY! It has an open ocean segment: Be aware. That long stretch up the front of Jekyll is pretty much open ocean paddling, but the breeze should be at our back. If it is seriously windy -- even if it's a sunny day -- we're not going any further anyway. Not "officially". No one can stop you if you drove here from a distance and feel you got something to prove -- come hell or highwater, as they say -- and you want to continue. I get that. (I've outgrown it, but I get it.) But if we officially call it off, if you continue, you will be on your own; the on-call rescue boat will have been released from duty. As we have said from the beginning, this is a fair-weather-only event.